Yesterday was a MUCH better day, I'm happy to say. Aaron and I were able to go on a real date! That was a very special treat. Usually our dates are when we put the children down to bed and then spend time downstairs together either watching a movie or playing games and talking. We went to the Macaroni Grill. That was yummy! Their lunch prices are fantastic, too! Then we headed over to a bookstore, one of our very favorite hang-outs. That was SO nice! Benjamin was a sweetheart the whole time, too. While at the bookstore, I got a new spiral calendar for my purse for next year. It's a Mary Engelbreit one with cute pictures on the left hand side and a week per page on the right hand side. I already have a few things to put in there. I was starting to scribble little notes on the last page of my 2008 one. Okay, back to yesterday, we got home, and had dinner with the children. I'd put half of the turkey carcass into the crockpot and made stock from it. I made turkey, cabbage, and rice, using 8 cups of that yummy rich stock plus 4 cups of turkey. I served that and then Stephen started asking for the turkey bones. Liberians LOVE bones. The other children started asking for them, too. They've learned that when I make stock, there are always bones. :-) I went back to the kitchen and worked in the crockpot until I came back with a bowl of bones. Not only do our Liberian children like them, but now they've hooked most of our birth children on them, too. I haven't been able to get myself to even try them. Yuck! Susanna started crying out over and over, "I want a bone! I want a bone!" and couldn't understand my explanation of how that really wouldn't be good for her throat. She finally got over it when I gave her a big cup of green smoothie to enjoy instead. She loves those! Once dinner was done, we all loaded into the van and went down to a mall in Columbus. It was time to do our special activity for Naomi Ruth's birthday. Her birthday was last Sunday, but as we'd just celebrated Sarah's birthday on Saturday by going to COSI, we decided to postpone Naomi Ruth's activity until this weekend. Anyway, one of the malls has horse carriage rides available this time of year. What a treat! This is a really ritzy mall and in a very rich area of Columbus. To say that we felt out of place is an understatement. I'm sure we made quite the sight as we walked through part of the mall between the parking garage and where they were offering the carriage rides. Aaron was in front holding Susanna's hand. Thomas, Stephen, Sarah, Naomi Ruth, Rebekah, and Hannah all walked in the middle between us and then I followed up in the rear with one hand holding Miriam's hand, one hand holding Samuel's hand, and Benjamin strapped to me in his sling. :-) Once we got there, we hardly had to wait at all. We split up into 2 carriages. The children LOVED the ride. It was really special and all of the Christmas lights the mall has up were just beautiful. After the ride, we bought some yummy fresh kettle popcorn and then headed back through the mall to our van. It was a really nice day!
Love, Dawn