Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer has begun!

Last night we kept our annual tradition.  On the first night of Summer, the children get to play outside until it is all dark and catch fireflies.  They also enjoyed eating lots of fresh mulberries from our many mulberry trees and playing freeze tag.  Before we headed in, I gathered the tired happy children together and said, "I officially welcome you to summer!"  They erupted into applause and wild happy cheers.  :-D

Love, Dawn

P.S. - That's mulberry juice on Susanna's face in case you were wondering.  ;-)


Joyce said...

how precious!!! yes....summer is here!
Joyce...who has never seen a firefly!

Michelle said...

what a fun tradition!!!

Unknown said...

What great memories you are making for your family, Dawn! Love your family tradition :) .
Catherine :)

Keith and Margaret said...

What a neat family tradition. Our family has always been intrigued with the thought of fireflies, since we never have seen one out here in CA.