For the longest time, I've been wanting to do some long catch-up kind of post here and then resume normal blogging. That's just not going to happen. So, I'm going to just start up today and move forward. I hope you're all having a blessed Easter weekend! Today I'm sharing these photos. Below I'll tell you about each one.
1. Thomas (11), Naomi Ruth (10), Rebekah (8), and Hannah (6) enjoying Uno - I love how they've finally gotten old enough that they can play games together without needing Aaron or me to play, too.
2. Rebekah (8)
3. Stephen (10)
4. Hannah (6) holding Benjamin (6mo) This picture was taken yesterday shortly before she got diagnosed with both strep throat and severe tonsilitis. She's now on antibiotics and steroids and is slowly improving.
5. Rebekah (8) reading Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss This is SO exciting as she has dyslexia and has been struggling for years to learn to read. She's finally figured it out and is so delighted to be able to sound out words and actually read books. I am SO proud of her!
6. Susanna (3) and Hannah (6) Susanna is recovering from surgery that she had on Monday. She has her tonsils and adnoids removed, plus an endoscopy with biopsies. She'd been recovering well, but took a turn for the worse today and is at the Emergency Room with Aaron getting checked out right now.
7. Sarah (10) holding Benjamin (6mo)
8. Naomi Ruth (10)
9. Benjamin (6mo) with his Occupational Therapist He was born with Visual Maturation Delay. He initially could not see at all, but God has mercifully given him vision. He is just developing it at a slow rate. As a result, he got behind on his gross motor and fine motor skills. He's now having both Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy weekly to catch up.
10. Thomas (11) with Benjamin (6mo) I think they look a lot alike!
11. Samuel (6) and Susanna (3) Our adopted children have been here for 13 months now and Samuel has stayed within 2lb of Susanna's weight the entire time. Too funny!
12. Benjamin (6mo) He's getting SO big! He's over 17lb now. Naomi Ruth was only about a pound more when she turned a year! He's such a little snuggler. I call him Buddy Bear. :-)
13. Susanna (3) and Miriam (5) Miriam just celebrated her birthday this month. I can hardly believe she's 5! She LOVES Dora the Explorer, so that was definitely the theme this year. :-)
14. Susanna (3) looking a little grubby, but very happy
15. Miriam (5) and Samuel (6) Those two are quite the handful. Either they're best friends and therefore getting into all kinds of trouble together OR they're at each other non stop. I haven't quite figured out which one I prefer. ;-)
Love, Dawn
beautiful pictures. I love them thanks for sharing. I hope you are able to post more frequently as I love to read your post and look at the pics posted. Have a wonderfully Blessed Easter...Hugs
What are the symptoms of Benjamin's Visual Maturation Delay? I've never really even heard of that.
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